Young and the Restless

Nikki’s Plan Leaves Victoria Aghast — and Sharon Gets Emotional While Helping Adam

Nikki’s Plan Leaves Victoria Aghast — and Sharon Gets Emotional While Helping Adam

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Sharon arrives at Adam’s place, and he thanks her for getting there so quickly. She asks if this is about Connor. Adam tells her he has never felt so helpless in his life. Sharon learns there was an update and it’s not good. He fills her in that they had a video call with Connor’s psychiatrist. Sharon knows it can be overwhelming. Adam feels it was just jargon that was supposed to impress him. Connor is more than a collection of disorders. Sharon is sure his team sees him as the wonderful young man he is. Adam tells her that according to the doctors he has trauma. “And guess who’s responsible for it. Yep, you’re looking at him.”
Sharon Adam Y&R

Sharon doesn’t believe that they’re laying the blame on him. Adam says they made him feel that way. Sharon questions if he’s making himself feel that way. Adam explains that the boy’s trauma pushed his OCD front and center. Sharon knows all too well what it’s like when your mistakes ricochet onto your children. She pleads with Adam not to take this on himself. Connor surely doesn’t blame him. Adam says that according to his specialists, he’s decided the problems in the family are all his fault. Adam laments that he’s questioning if he ever should have been born. Sharon tears up.

Adam has no idea how to process this. Connor should be playing video games and soccer. He’s a smart, kind, caring kid. Sharon says he always has been. Adam feels his life has been way harder than he deserved. Knowing Connor is questioning why he was born gives him a weight on his chest that gets heavier and heavier. Sharon tells Adam it’s not Connor thinking that way, it’s his OCD. It’s like a demon in his mind filling it with ideas like that. “You have to believe that.” Adam does believe that… because he knows exactly what that feels like. “This whole ordeal. This is the demon in my mind, Sharon.”

At the Abbott mansion, Summer sleeps in Harrison’s bed and dreams she’s calling out to the boy but panics when he doesn’t answer. She awakens gasping.
Summer Y&R

Outside the tackhouse, Nikki pulls out her flask and takes a drink. She then pops a mint. Victoria opens the door and her mother looks guilty. Nikki says she came by to see how she’s holding up. Victoria’s fine. Cole’s gone to get security updates. Nikki wishes he hadn’t left her alone and suggests they go for a walk. Victoria doesn’t want to leave… just in case. She’s been rearranging the kitchen cupboards and going over the last few conversations she had with Claire in her head. Nikki has done the same thing. Victoria recalls how happy she was to move in there and meet her brothers and sister. She can’t believe Claire would turn her back on the dream of a family, not for Jordan, not for anyone.
Nikki flask drink Y&R

Nikki is sure Jordan is behind all of this. Victoria thinks she may hate Claire the most for rejecting her. She may be in as grave danger as Harrison. Nikki agrees and needs her daughter to promise her something. “That someday you’ll find a way to forgive me even if I can’t forgive myself.” If he hadn’t called for help after she drank the poison, none of this would be happening! Victoria assures her mother she did the right thing. Nikki can’t believe that, and says that even luring her to the party backfired. Victoria says that’s because she doesn’t think like her, “Thank God.” Nikki thinks it’s time she started. This is her mess and she needs to clean it up by saving Harrison and Claire, and putting an end to Jordan’s reign of terror once and for all.

At the ranch, Jack wants to add money to the offer Victor made Jordan. Kyle says he’s going to check on Summer. Victor asks him to assure her they’ll bring her boy home safely. Kyle thanks them for putting aside their differences to help, and then leaves.
Kyle Jack Y&R

Jack and Victor sit down and discuss Nikki. They’re glad she’s gone to check on Victoria, and Victor thanks Jack for acting as her sponsor. Jack tells him it’s one day at a time. They reflect that they have their love of family in common. They vow to get Harrison back no matter what. Michael comes in and confirms the offer Victor made Jordan is all still in place… the house in France, and everything they put in place to make it look legit last time. This time, they don’t have a trap ready to spring on her, however. Victor says, “We’ll set one.”
Michael Jack Y&R

Victor plans to bring Harrison home safely and put that bitch into a place from which she cannot endanger either of their families. Jack wants to lock her up securely and learn from past mistakes. Victor asks what he’s getting at. Jack says it they hadn’t left her in the dungeon instead of putting her in jail, she wouldn’t have been able to take the poison and escape from the hospital. Victor booms that if it weren’t for his inept security she wouldn’t have been able to kidnap the boy. Michael interrupts — they’re dealing with enough without having this conversation. “We’re all on the same team — Harrison’s — I think that’s something we all should remember.”

At the Abbott house, Summer sits up on Harrison’s bed and phones Chance. She cries, “I need your help.”
Summer bed Y&R

Downstairs, Kyle arrives and Summer appears to ask where he’s been. Kyle says he’s been with his dad and her grandfather. She hopes he has news. Kyle tells her they got the demands from Jordan. She says, “You mean the demands from Claire.” Kyle doesn’t want to argue right now and explains Victor’s offer to get Jordan out of the US. Summer gawps, “No wonder she was tempted. What do Jordan and Claire want now?” Kyle says they have to make good on that offer and once she’s safely tucked away in Europe, she’ll reveal Harrison’s whereabouts. Summer freaks out. “No!” That could take weeks! Kyle says they’ll figure it out as they go along. This is a start. Summer wants Claire’s phone number. She’s going to offer herself in exchange for Harrison. She will be their hostage until the demands are met. Kyle knows she’s serious, but it’s not going to work. “I already tried.” He texted and asked to change places with Harrison and it was rejected with, “Not a chance.” Summer worries something has already happened to him. Kyle tells her not to let that thought into her mind for even a second.

At the ranch, Victor’s people have had no luck tracing the cellphone. Michael figures she’s turning it off when she’s not using it. Jack curses at the thought of Harrison being scared and trapped with that lunatic. Victor promises that bitch will pay.

At the Abbott mansion, Summer tells Kyle she needs to know that Harrison is OK. Kyle doubts she’ll send one because it might give away where she’s hiding. Summer thinks if Claire was innocent she would have found the way to get the drop on Jordan or send them a message. Kyle won’t argue on Claire’s behalf. He’s going to head back to the ranch. Summer’s coming with him. They open the door to leave and Chance is standing there. “I came as fast as I could.” Kyle leaves with Summer saying she’ll meet him there. Chance asks Summer what’s going on. She cries, “I’m afraid I’m never going to see my son again.” He holds her.
Chance Summer hug Y&R

At Adam’s place, he tells Sharon he knows what he’s done, and what he didn’t do that he should have done. He questions why he didn’t see this sooner in Connor. Sharon asks what he possibly could have done. Adam isn’t sure, but thinks he could have stopped it if he’d been paying attention. Sharon says that Connor has an illness that he doesn’t understand. Parents always have moments where they feel they failed. They then get over themselves because their kids need them.

Sharon knows Adam doesn’t like to take a back seat to anyone, especially when it comes to parenting his son, but he needs to recognize his limitations when it comes to understanding OCD. What’s happening is scary, but he is no more responsible for it than anyone is for her having once had cancer. Instead of dwelling on what he did or didn’t do, he should give himself credit for doing the right thing now. He has to overcome his instinct to disbelieve what the therapists says just because he doesn’t like what they’re telling him.
Sharon Adam Y&R

At the ranch, Kyle tells Jack, Victor, and Michael that there have been no more messages from Claire’s phone. Summer’s a wreck and it’s mostly coming out in anger. She’s with Chance and will be over soon. Jack thinks they can’t just sit around waiting; they have to figure out where Jordan has taken Harrison. Victor adds, “And Claire.” They have to stay one step ahead of that lunatic, Jordan.
Kyle Victor Michael Y&R

At the Abbott house, Summer tells Chance that the only two people who know where Harrison is right now are the two people who took him — Claire, who is fresh out of a mental institution, and Jordan, who is a serial killer. Chance is so sorry and hasn’t heard anything. He thinks Jordan is careful in her own way. “I don’t think anything is going to happen to Harrison.” Without him there’s no leverage. If he’s connected to Claire, that might help get him through this until he’s back in his own bed. Summer tells him that Jack and Victor are trying to come up with a plan. She’s scared they’ll do something extreme and she can’t keep the ‘what ifs’ out of her head. Each one just frightens her more. Chance hopes that Jack and Victor consider looping in the police. Summer says they’ll get a full report on all of this. She complains that Kyle is in denial about Claire being involved. Chance will call his buddies to see what he can find out about the investigation. Summer asks him to accompany her to the ranch and hear the plan. Maybe he can stop Jack and Victor from making things worse. They need all the help they can get, and she’ll insist they listen to him. Chance agrees. “Let’s do this.” They head out.
Chance Summer

At the ranch, the money is ready to be sent to an offshore account. Kyle says it’s a fortune and someday, somehow, he’ll repay his father. Michael reminds him they’re not going to just hand over the money to Jordan. Victor thinks they have to figure out how to draw Jordan to them. Kyle thinks it’s too risky. Jack explains that if they give her everything she wants, they lose their leverage and she could cover up her tracks before she leaves.

At the tackhouse, Victoria won’t allow her mother to be the one to fix things with Jordan. They have to trust Victor and the authorities to handle her. Nikki explains this has become personal for her. She has to stop her. “I have to do something… and I need your help.”
Victoria Nikki Y&R

At the ranch, Kyle questions how they can lure Jordan out of hiding. Jack thinks there must be a way to trace her movements after she abandoned the delivery truck. Victor’s not sure Jordan is doing this all by herself. Jack questions if Claire is her accomplice. Victor doesn’t think she had a damn thing to do with it. Michael agrees Jordan must be working with other people. Jack grits, “Like Nikki’s ex-sponsor, who agreed to work with her… and look what happened to that poor man.” They agree they need to track down her accomplice or accomplices. Jack hopes they’re not too scared of her to cooperate. Victor assures him they’ll talk.

At the tackhouse, Nikki tells Victoria that Jordan doesn’t really want Harrison. “She wants me. I am her endgame.” Victoria thinks they have to keep Jordan as far away from her mother as possible. Nikki says that Victor wouldn’t let her offer herself up as bait before, but this time she’s not asking permission. “This time I’m going to do it on my own.”

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