Kody Brown shares his biggest fear of season 19? Fans were shocked by the shocking news!

Sister Wives fans expect Kody Brown to look different when Season 19 rolls out, with his biggest fear looming over his head on the TLC series.
For years, we’ve heard about this from the patriarch of this now-defunct polygamous family. But during those times, he didn’t seem to think it was likely to happen. But, as the old saying goes, never say never.
Sister Wives: Leaks About Kody Brown
During the turmoil of Christine Brown leaving Kody Brown and his other wives contemplating the same, his adult children spoke out. One daughter in particular took aim at Kody and Robyn Brown‘s spending habits.
So, the two of them are now alone as a couple. The three incomes they once counted on – gone. Gwendlyn Brown said that her father and Robyn spent well beyond their means.

Sister Wives fans at the time thought Kody was taking a gamble. Fans saw some of the items he purchased on the screen. He continued spending despite three wives leaving. An RV showed up in the backyard for Robyn’s oldest son to live in. Then three motorcycles showed up for Christmas. But when the wives left, so did their incomes.
Kody Battled with Wives Over Money…
So Gwendlyn let the cat out of the bag for Kody and Robyn Brown and their spending problems. Then, when Janelle Brown came forward with her problems trying to extract her part of the finances from Kody, it looked like he dug himself in deeper.
Meri Brown also said she contributed to the family’s finances. So, when the property split came up, it looked like she got the short end of the stick. While the Sister Wives fans learned about the problems these two wives had getting Kody to give them a fair share, they never revealed the outcome.
Christine Brown seemed to plan her escape from the family financially. While Meri and Janelle rented homes as they waited for Coyote Pass houses to materialize, Christine purchased her home.
So when she left Kody, she made an even exchange for her share of the Coyote Pass land. She kept the proceeds of the sale of her Flagstaff home and gave up her Coyote Pass ownership. So, she reportedly left in good shape.
Greatest Fear Realized?
Kody Brown once said his greatest fear is poverty. It’s unlikely he knocked himself down to the poverty level. But from reports, money is tight for the Sister Wives patriarch. As far as fans know, Robyn Brown hasn’t held a job since joining the family.
So, Kody Brown is down three salaries from the show, as his ex-wives have control of their own finances now. Other than the Cameo videos that Kody makes for fans at around 1oo bucks a pop, there doesn’t seem to be any side gigs for these two.

So, the three moneymakers in the family no longer contribute. Unless Kody Brown and Robyn Brown work some hidden jobs, it seems likely he ended up taking a huge hit with income.
Now they sit with the Coyote Pass land, but you can’t buy groceries with that. So, when Season 19 rolls around, fans are interested to see just how Kody and Robyn are doing today with their finances significantly trimmed. Reports that he’s behind in taxes also surfaced within the last several months.
Many Sister Wives fans wonder if this could be the season where Kody Brown looks his greatest fear in the face. Will they find him needing the money that is no longer there for him? Only time will tell when Season 19 rolls out and fans get a look at what life is like minus three paychecks from the wives who left him on the TLC show.