Did Garrison’s Death Affect Christine & Janelle Brown’s Friendship?

Recently, Sister Wives fans have noticed that Christine and Janelle Brown haven’t been together as much since Garrison Brown’s tragic passing. While the loss impacts each family member differently, some people are wondering if the friendship between Christine and Janelle has been affected.
Christine And Janelle Brown Became Much Closer After Kody
Undeniably, the Brown family is still trying to journey on without their beloved Garrison Brown. When Christine and Kody Brown split, part of Christine’s grieving process was to grow closer to Janelle Brown. Without the man between them, they found they truly enjoyed one another’s company. However, the world can be cruel and throw unexpected turns like the loss of a child. Since the passing of Garrison, individually Christine and Janelle have been working through their love and loss of a son. Understandably, it is taking its toll on the entire family.

Fans Notice They Haven’t Been Together
Although Janelle Brown has been using her time to reconnect with family across the country, some fans note they haven’t seen much interaction between Christine and Janelle for a while. For instance, on Reddit, one fan asks, “Has Christine moved on from Janelle?” Then explains their question, saying, “Curious if the ride or die besties phase has ended already now that Christine has settled in with her husband and new family? Or is Janelle just sick of Mykelti ( understandable). The gal pal posts definitely seem less frequent now – I don’t follow the MLM juice, but there haven’t been many posts frequently.”

Fans Discuss Christine And Janelle Brown’s Relationship
After the initial post, other Sister Wives chimed in about the duo’s less frequent interaction. Undoubtedly, life has changed drastically for both Christine and Janelle Brown. Fans were quick to discuss what they noticed.
- “Janelle has been in NC since the funeral. I’m sure they’re just fine, but grief changes things.”
- “Janelle has been spending a lot of time with her kids. She traveled with Logan and Michelle for the eclipse. There was a Thanksgiving style dinner in Flagstaff with Gabe, Savanah, and some friends for an international student. She’s gone back and forth to Maddie’s a few times visiting her grandkids, and she’s planting a garden there with Maddie.”
- “Janelle is a grieving mother. I’m sure she is naturally gravitating towards her children and grandchildren. I doubt it’s deeper than that.”
- “It does seem like she’s been in NC a lot. Christine may also be taking a step back from featuring Janelle in some of her social media posts, while Janelle is coping with her son’s death.”

Life Was Changing For Christine And Janelle Brown Before Garrison’s Death
While Garrison Brown’s death has affected both Christine and Janelle Brown, their lives were changing greatly even before his passing. Within the Reddit conversation, other Sister Wives viewers note some of the differences since the last season was filmed.
- “I think Janelle needs time and space to focus on her children and grieve. I think Christine is grieving and focusing on her husband and Truely. Obviously this could have been a triggering event for David. Truely is rather sensitive. I believe this has been a life changing event for her and traumatic. Over the last few years, Truely has been through a divorce, relocation, a family death and other typical teen struggles.”
- “It’s very weird that you think we somehow see every moment of these women’s lives. Posts don’t mean that they’re close and the absence of posts don’t mean that they’re not or not talking. They just suffered a huge loss. Janelle is out and about with her kids and Christine’s kids and Christine is trying to build her new life in Utah. The audience is sometimes very unkind to them for just being normal people.”
While other fans wonder if they were actually “besties” in the first place or if it was hype by producers to add to the show. Additionally, both are currently posting on their MLM Instagram page.

What do you think? Does it seem like Christine and Janelle Brown are growing apart? Do you think their lives were changing even before Garrison Brown‘s passing?