‘OutDaughtered’ Ava & Olivia Busby Separated Again, Why?

OutDaughtered star Danielle Busby shared a shocking breakdown of the quints’ second grade classrooms that revealed the twins had been split up again. Her breakdown came in the form of a few snapshots she shared on her Instagram Stories. Her update revealed which quints shared a classroom. Shockingly, it also revealed that Ava and Olivia would be in different classrooms again this year.
The Busby twins split up again this year
Last year, Danielle Busby and Adam revealed Ava and Olivia were not in the same first grade classroom. This has carried over and the Busby twins are not in the same second grade classroom either. OutDaughtered fans are always quick to call attention to Adam and Danielle splitting up the twins. Adam has told fans he tries to split the quints up into different groups as much as possible because it allows them to grow and develop as individuals. So, which quints were sharing a classroom this year?

Busby quints second grand classroom breakdown
As TvShowsAce reported last year, Olivia and Hazel shared a classroom in first grade. Ava, Parker, and Riley were in a different first grade classroom. This year, things have been switched up again. Hazel and Ava are in a class together. Parker, Riley, and Olivia are in a different classroom together. As fans know, Olivia and Hazel developed a super close bond being in first grade together. So, fans wonder how that will change or if Hazel and Ava will now have a chance to develop that close bond too.

Some fans, however, express concern for Parker and Riley continuing to be in the same class with each other each year. Some fans wonder if there are more than two classrooms to break the girls up even further.
According to her Instagram Stories, the girls got to enjoy time at “mom’s nail salon” after their first day of school came to an end. She shared a few videos on her Instagram Stories of her working on the girls’ nails. Feeling rejuvenated after enjoying a few hours without children, this mama bear seemed very happy to have her cubs back home with her!

What do you think about the Busby twins getting split up into different classrooms for second grade? Do you think they need to consider breaking up Parker and Riley too?