Jen Arnold Reveals Vacation Is Over, Fans Notice Major Changes in Her Children
The Little Couple alums, Will and Zoey Klein went on a vacation and their mom, Jen Arnold took some photos and videos of them traveling home. Her experienced young travelers looked like they might have already tucked away some frequent flyer miles. Read on to find out where they went.
Zoey Klein Seems So Grown Up
TLC fans comment all the time about how big Will and his sister have become. Time really does fly by. It’s been about three years since fans last saw them on television. No longer tiny tots, the two adopted kids enjoy a range of fun adventures these days. As they left family members behind when they moved to Boston, they often traveled to Florida which is where they were last week.

Zoey Klein and Will loved Florida with its beaches and horse riding and their grandparents nearby. However, their renowned doctor mom got a job offer in Boston, so they had to move. Nevertheless, their mom and dad, Bill Klein do see the Florida family on occasion. This week they’d been to Florida and they were on the way home when Jen shared about it on Instagram
Jen Arnold Shares Reels In Transit
On Instagram on Tuesday, the weather looked great as the former TLC family departed from St. Petersburg in Florida. Zoey looked well dressed and Will just looked like the cool dude teens his age often are. In her caption, The Little Couple mom said:
Headed back home after a few nice days in #Florida spending time with family and getting some sun. #littlecouple #travel @flytpa @willklein63 @reallybillklein #summer #stpetersburg

Zoey Klein, TLC fans agreed looked very relaxed and dressed just the right way for air travel. Certainly, she and her brother know the ropes already. In the comments, The Little Couple followers seemed admiring. Here is a sample of what they wrote:
- Zoey’s wardrobe wins the internet! Girl always has on the cutest outfits.
- I miss Zoey!! She has become one of my favorite content creators!
- So glad you, Bill, and the kids had a nice visit with your family in St. Petersburg Florida. I still can’t believe how much Will and Zoey have grown up! I hope you all have [a] safe trip home.
- So sad we can’t enjoy Little Couple anymore, I feel like we missed watching Zoey and Will growing up
. So glad you post often enough
What are your thoughts about Will and Zoey Klein being such experienced travelers already? Did you go to Florida to enjoy the warmer weather this summer? Shout out in the comments below and come back here for all your The Little Couple news.