Natalia Comes to Sonny’s Rescue and Tracy Makes a Deal — Plus [Spoiler] Is Arrested

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At the hospital chapel, Jason arrives to talk to Willow and Drew about her kids. Jason has is a compromise that works for everyone. He says the kids can stay in the gatehouse, and she can move back in. Drew asks Tracy knows of this compromise. Jason insists he will get her to agree, so Willow accepts, but only when he gets Tracy to agree. He leaves to make the deal.
Drew tells Willow that she is the only one with legal claim to the kids, and not to drop the charges against Tracy. Willow feels if Jason can end this and bring the kids home then that is what she wants. She wants her kids in an environment they know and feel safe in. Drew warns her if the Quartermaines see a way to take her children from her then they’ll do it.
Natalia arrives at Sonny’s office and finds him passed out on the ground. She spots his bottle of pills next to him and forces one in his mouth to dissolve. She then calls 911, but Sonny comes too and tells her, “No hospitals, please.” She relents, and he eventually sits up.
Natalia brings Sonny water, and he admits he has an undiagnosed heart condition. She insists he needs medical attention and asks what would have happened if she didn’t walk in. He asks her to call Dr. Gannon from his phone, so she does.
Kristina and Lucky prepare to open Charlie’s. Lucky suggests first they take a shot and toasts to their dads and to them.
Maxie and Spinelli arrive and tell her the new place is the essence of cool. Isaiah heads to the bar and order orders a drink from Lucky. The doctor reveals he’s meeting someone tonight. Lucky notes he’s found his footing it seems, and Isaiah is also glad Lucky is sticking around.
Liz shows up, says hello to Isaiah, and he then heads to grab a table. Alone, Lucky tells Liz he have a lead on their case.
Cody shows up and tells Kristina that she’s got a good turnout. Maxie rushes up to Cody and is glad he’s here, and says, “Isn’t this place great.” Cody says he’s glad someone is succeeding. Maxie wonders what that means, and then invites him to join their table, so he accepts. Cody decides to get a drink and heads to the bar where Spinelli is.
Jordan and Brick arrive separately, and he asks to join her this evening when he runs into her. She explains she’s meeting someone. She heads to meet with Isaiah.
Kristina thanks Brick for coming, and he asks if her dad is here. She says he isn’t, so Brick assumes he’ll show soon as he just spoke to him.
Isiah and Jordan sit down, and Isaiah asks her about the man she was speaking to. She says he’s Brick, explains he’s useful at times, and works for Sonny. Isaiah asks about Sonny. She says he was the bane of her existence as commissioner, but a lot of people respect and care about him. They’re interrupted by Natalia’s call. Isaiah apologizes but has to leave on medical emergency, but would like to do this again.
Brick wastes no time moving in and taking Isaiah’s seat with Jordan. He asks her about Isaiah and if he should be jealous of the attention she’s giving him. She notes Brick is a charming man who likely charms lots of women. Brick comments he’s only interested in charming her right now.
Martin arrives, and Lucky spots him and tells Liz to follow his lead. Martin sits at the bar, and Lucky talks him up. Lucky mentions Cyrus trying to make decisions for Lulu, and Martin says his mother could bring a case against Turning Woods for that. Liz wonders why Cyrus is so intent on visiting patients, especially ones who don’t have anyone. Martin theorizes it has to do with their mother.
Martin explains their mother took a turn for the worse awhile back, and Cyrus wanted to take no extreme measures and let her go. However she survived, and his mother set up a medical directive giving him sole decision making for her. Their mother believes she would have died way before her time if Cyrus had his way. However, he doesn’t think Cyrus wanted to hurt their mother, he wanted to release her. Martin gets a text and has to head out.
Alone, Liz wonders if releasing the patients from terminal suffering is Cyrus’ motive. Lucky notes Sam and Dex weren’t terminal, so there is something they are missing.
Elsewhere, Cody tells Spinelli he has kept silent about his dating site for this long, and its massive breach of privacy, but if he’s to stay quite then Spinelli has to pony up. Spinelli asks what this is about. Cody says he’s living the nice live and can easily afford to pay him $75,000. Spinelli asks where this is coming from, does he have no shame shaking him down given they are practically family. Maxie interrupts and asks what is going on, and Spinelli says Cody has been bothering him. Cody gets angry when Spinelli walks away, and Lucky has to step in, telling him this is a celebration. Cody tells Lucky to shut up and punches him.
After the fight is broken up, and Cody and Lucky are no where to be found, Maxie apologizes to Kristina for Cody’s behavior. Maxie tells Spinelli she thinks it’s up to her to save Cody from himself, as he’s in real trouble.
Isaiah arrives at Sonny’s, and Sonny asks Natalia to stay when she offers them privacy. Isaiah asks what triggered this, and Sonny relays the events of fighting with Ava, feeling something in his chest, and he had to delay taking his meds. He didn’t want her to know about his condition. When she finally left, he collapsed.
Natalia says that’s when she found him and the pills next to him, so she gave him one. Isaiah implores Sonny to see a doctor as these pills are not a long term solution. Sonny won’t go to the hospital, so Isaiah says he shouldn’t be alone tonight. Natalia offers to stay with him. Isaiah tells Sonny that he needs to listen to him, and he can’t keep being his go to in a crisis.
At the PCPD, Dante brings Tracy a cup of coffee, but she won’t drink that swill and want glass bottled water. He tells her this isn’t a resort, and as he’s about to send her down to the cells. Lulu arrives to see Tracy, but Dante says, “Too late” and shuts Tracy in the interrogation room. Lulu tells her ex that she could save the department time and money by convincing Tracy to back down. Dante tells her to have at her, as he needs a break before taking to her a cell.
Lulu goes to see Tracy and warns her that she’s pushed Dante too far, and she is facing a kidnapping charges. Tracy says the children haven’t been kidnapped, they are just out of reach. Lulu tells Tracy that Willow and those kids need one another.
Jason shows up in the station and asks Dante to speak to Tracy as he has a deal to make. Dante takes Jason in to see her, and he makes the deal for Willow and the kids to continue living at the gatehouse. Tracy states, “Absolutely not!” Tracy says Willow could take the kids and move at some point, but Lulu tells her not to worry about the future. Lulu asks Jason to give them a moment alone, so he steps out.
Lulu tells Tracy this has to stop, when Wiley and Amelia are found, she loses the ability to make a deal. Tracy says she’s protecting those children from their mother’s bad decision making. Lulu tells her she should play the long game, Michael won’t be gone forever, and this allows her to watch over his kids. She tells Tracy to take the win. Lulu calls Dante and Jason back in, and Tracy agrees to the deal.
Sasha reads a book to Wiley at the gatehouse when there is a knock on the door. Wiley hopes it’s his mom, but it’s Felicia. Wiley heads to his room, and Sasha tells Felicia about the drama that’s been going on. Felicia says the Quartermaines thrive on toxic shenanigans and warns her not to get drawn in over her head.
Felicia asks if the kids shouldn’t be with Willow as she’s their only parent now. Sasha explains that doesn’t recognize Willow anymore, she’s changed, and walked out on Michael for Drew. Felicia says feelings can be complicated, and only the parties involved know what’s going on. She says if she’d been judged for all her mistakes, she wouldn’t have the relationship with Maxie they have now. Sasha isn’t one to judge either, but Willow used Michael as leverage over Sonny and Carly.
Sasha says she is lucky to have her in her family, and Felicia jokes she’s stuck with her. Jason soon arrives, tells Sasha that Willow and Tracy have made a deal, and Willow will be coming home soon to be with the kids. Felicia heads out, and Sasha asks Jason what comes next.
Jason calls Willow, who is still in the hospital chapel, and tells her that he’s at the gatehouse with the kids, so come home.
Back at the station, the charges are dropped against Tracy, so Lulu prepares to take her home. Suddenly an officer brings a handcuffed Cody in, who is screaming about Lucky. The officer says Lucky is being brought in too.
Martin meets with Drew at the chapel. He says he talked to Diane, and Willow is on her way home to be with the kids. Drew is worried the Quartermines will use the kids to manipulate Willow, and she needs to be free of those people. Martin asks, “Free to be with you?” Drew says she needs someone who will take care of and protect her and those kids, and that he’d do anything for Willow.
At the gatehouse, Willow returns home and embraces Wiley. She also thanks Jason and Sasha for taking care of her kids.