JJ Demands to Know Why Doug Was in Jail — and a Guilt-Ridden Tate Declines Holly’s Christmas Gift

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After thanking Roman over the phone, Tate prepares a surprise for Holly at the closed Pub. A Happy Birthday banner hangs behind the bar, and presents sit on a table. As he waits, he gets a call from Sophia. They confirm they’ll leave Friday night for the out-of-state clinic, where she’ll get an abortion on Saturday. He assures her she’s not alone and promises no one else will know about it.
At the Kiriakis mansion, Maggie hands Holly a gift that was delivered from her mother. Holly calls to thank Nicole for the perfume and then runs to the Pub with presents for Tate.
Sarah comes to her bedroom to find a shirtless Xander wearing his kilt for the Horton Christmas gathering. He laments how he treated Jack, who so graciously let him stay in the Horton House when he had nowhere else to go. As they canoodle and admire each other, they decide there’s enough time to get Sarah on Santa’s naughty list before the party — if they’re quick. It helps that Xander’s a true Scotsman and isn’t wearing anything under his kilt.
In the Square, Jennifer, Jack, and JJ discuss how Chad and the kids went to Orlando and why Jennifer is suspicious of Doug III. She’s put out inquiries about why he was in jail. Jack muses it was for something minor, but JJ worries he could be dangerous.
Julie finds Doug in the Horton living room as he leaves Leo a voicemail about selling the diamond necklace. She overheard him say something about needing money. He lies that he asked his dad for cash since he doesn’t have a job and wants to pay her rent. She won’t hear of it. He’ll always have a place to stay there. In fact, tonight, he’ll be part of their wonderful Horton family tradition.
Tate surprises Holly when she arrives at the Pub. He wanted to make her 18th birthday special, especially since it’s at Christmas. She tells him it’s the sweetest thing anyone’s done for her. He gifts her a charm bracelet with their initials on it, and she gives him concert tickets to his favorite band for Friday night. Tate lies that he has to visit his grandparents in California that day. Holly is understanding, causing a look of guilt to wash over Tate. Before they open more gifts, Holly leaves to hang her Horton ornament.
After stopping by the mausoleum to see Uncle Vic, Shawn comes to the Kiriakis mansion with a gift for Maggie. She grows emotional upon opening a framed photo of herself and Victor. As they reminisce about the Kiriakis patriarch, Konstantin’s name comes up. She wonders if she should destroy Victor’s portrait since Konstantin gave it to her. Shawn says Konstantin is gone, but her and Victor’s love lives on.
At the Horton house, Julie opens the box of Horton ornaments and explains the family tradition to Doug. She tells him about his extraordinary grandfather Doug, who did everything with love and heart. He’d be happy to know that Doug was there keeping her company. Doug feels like his grandfather is there in spirit. Tearing up, Julie calls him a thoughtful young man.
When Jennifer, Jack, and JJ arrive, Julie tells Doug she didn’t have time to make him an ornament but promises one for next year. The Deveraux family tenses. Doug points out he’s not technically a Horton, but Julie insists he is family. In that case, JJ wants to know more about him, like why was he in jail? Aghast, Julie calls JJ rude, but JJ thinks it’s a fair question since Doug is staying in the house.
Doug understands JJ’s concerns and explains that he and his dad were never very close, so he jumped at the chance to meet his new family when he learned of them. On his way to Salem, he heard about Doug’s passing, got in a drunken bar fight, and got arrested with no money for bail. They can call Chicago P.D. to verify. Julie declares that won’t be necessary. She embraces him while glaring at the skeptical Deverauxs.
In bed, Xander gives Sarah a present. She opens a large gift box to a pair of red strappy heels. He wanted to honor how Mickey gave Maggie red heels after she was able to walk and dance again. Fighting tears, Sarah exclaims, “Damnit Xander! I only got you an air fryer.”
Now, Xander, dressed in his kilt, and Sarah, in her red shoes, come downstairs to join Maggie in the living room. Xander tells Maggie that Sarah’s gift was inspired by her and Mickey’s story. They marvel over their respective love stories and leave to hang ornaments. Maggie tearfully turns to Victor’s portrait and wishes him a Merry Christmas.
At the Horton House, Shawn meets his first cousin, Doug, and then greets the Deverauxes. He knows Jada offered JJ a job, so maybe they could be partners. JJ is still weighing his options. Xander, Sarah, and Maggie arrive with Victoria. Maggie stays behind in the foyer as Holly enters. Julie comes through with food and introduces them to Doug. Holly awkwardly glances around as Doug regards her.
As the Hortons gather in the living room, Julie says the whole house is aglow with the spirit of those who have gone before them. She’s grateful to be with them all. “Even me?” Xander wonders. “Yes, Xander,” Julie says, scrunching her face. “Even you.” They hang their ornaments among those of family members who are not there. Julie picks up the last one and asks Doug to hang his grandfather’s ornament. He hesitates, but she asks him to do it for her. Doug hangs it next to Julie’s.
When they’ve finished, Xander tentatively approaches Jack. He’s sorry they didn’t get the answers they were hoping for regarding Abigail. Jack thanks him. After asking after The Spectator, Xander turns to leave Jack alone. Jack stops him. “Merry Christmas, old friend,” Jack says, extending his hand. Xander happily embraces him. Julie reminds everyone that Doug used to lead them in a Christmas carol and asks JJ to take his place tonight. JJ sings O Come, All Ye Faithful with everyone else joining in.
Alone after the festivities, JJ asks what his parents think of Doug’s story. Jack points out it’s verifiable, but Jenifer still doesn’t trust him. JJ assures her that when they go back to Boston tomorrow, he’ll keep his eye on Doug. He’s decided to stay and take the job at the Salem P.D.
Alone with Sarah in the Kiriakis mansion, Xander turns on music so he can dance with her in her fetching new shoes.
At the Pub, Holly blows out a candle on a cupcake and thanks Tate for making her birthday so special. He’s the best boyfriend in the world. Shamefaced, Tate says there’s something he needs to tell her. After a beat, he says, “I love you.” She says it back, and they kiss between giggles.
After Julie says goodnight to Doug III at the Horton House, she turns to Doug’s ornament on the tree. She flashes back to their first Christmas together when she gave him a watch with the inscription, “To my secret love.” In the present, she closes her eyes and says, “Gone from my sight. Never from my heart.” Her glistening eyes turn skyward. “Merry Christmas, my love.”