Days of Our Lives

Nicole Rages Over Melinda’s Immunity Deal — and Stefan and Gabi Enjoy a Passionate Reunion

Nicole Rages Over Melinda’s Immunity Deal — and Stefan and Gabi Enjoy a Passionate Reunion

EJ holds Nicole back as she lunges for a flinching Melinda

Credit: Jill Johnson/JPI

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At the townhouse, Tate overhears Brady asking Kristen over the phone if he can take Rachel to the fireworks tomorrow. After some snarky back-and-forth, she agrees. Upon Brady hanging up, Tate notes he overheard him say his kids mean everything to him. Tate asks him to prove that by stopping his mother from ruining his life. “Let me see Holly.”

At the Bistro, a serious Kristen holds her phone to her ear. A champagne bottle chills in a table side bucket

At the Pub, Holly tells Eric how sorry she is about Jude and then rants about being grounded again over Prom. There hasn’t been one day that she hasn’t been grounded or in a coma in the past six months. It’s no way to live. Eric wishes there was something he could do. She asks him to talk to Nicole for her.

At the DiMera mansion, Melinda tells EJ now that she has immunity, there’s nothing stopping her from telling Nicole about Jude. Nicole enters the living room, wondering what’s going on. EJ collects himself before telling his wife he gave Melinda an immunity deal. He holds Nicole back as she lunges at Melinda for kidnapping her son and deceiving Eric. Melinda thinks there’s something she can do for Eric.


Gabi and Stefan passionately kiss while alone in the prison visitors’ room. As Rafe and the warden finalize the paperwork, Stefan fantasizes about all the places they can go together. Gabi just wants to go home.

As Ava joins Kristen at the Bistro for dinner, she unloads about Harris leaving. She knows it’s not just to find Megan, but because of all the mistakes she made, including sleeping with Stefan. No one else can find out about it… especially Gabi.

At the townhouse, Brady agrees that Theresa may have overreacted about Prom, but Tate was also wrong. He presents Tate with a brochure for a summer lacrosse camp in New York. It will give Theresa time to cool off. Then, in the fall, they can talk about him and Holly being together. Tate crumples the brochure, giving it a hard pass.

At the Pub, Eric tells Holly he needs to give her mother some space. He’s thinking of leaving Salem. Holly pouts that he can’t leave. They’ll all miss him. Especially her, because things are just getting worse and worse. She again asks him to talk to Nicole about her and Tate. Eric says it’s not his place to give parenting advice. It’s up to her mom and stepdad.


Gabi puts her hand up to a grinning EJ. With his arms around her waist, Stefan puffs up his chest.

Before Melinda can tell Nicole how she’ll make it up to Eric, Stefan and Gabi come home. EJ feigns happiness to see Gabi and goes in for a hug. She holds up her hand. “Not feeling it, EJ.” EJ physically ushers Melinda out so they can celebrate as a family.

Outside the front door, Melinda rails at EJ for stealing her job. EJ offers her a better one.

In the living room, Stefan pours champagne, but Nicole passes. As Stefan and Gabi partake, she tells him how grateful she is that he waited for her. Stefan would have waited forever. Nicole hopes they can all move forward from the bad blood and congratulates Gabi on her freedom. In return, Gabi is happy she and EJ got their baby back. She can’t wait to meet him. Stefan smugly says he looks a lot like Nicole — and nothing like EJ. The newly reunited couple go upstairs to take a hot, sexy shower — where Gabi tells Stefan to shave his mustache, which she hates.

Gabi tenderly cups Stefan face. They both hold champagne flutes

Outside, EJ points out that if Melinda outs herself as a baby napper to Nicole, she’ll never work gain. But she could work as general counsel for DiMera. Melinda reminds him that Kristen killed her daughter. Besides, he’s in no position to offer that job. EJ is sure Kristen will agree to hire her out of guilt over Haley. Plus, she knows how much Melinda hates him. He adds that she’ll have power and a hell of an income. Nicole comes out demanding to know what Melinda is still doing there.

At the Bistro, Kristen vows Ava’s secret is safe with her. She moves on to toasting her new job as CEO of DiMera. When Ava mentions her job at the Pub, Kristen suggests she come work for her instead. She needs an ally who shares her world view. Plus, EJ would lose his mind. Ava accepts.

Ava and Kristen toast with champagne flutes at The Bistro

At the townhouse, Brady tells Tate he’s not giving him a choice about lacrosse camp. Tate accuses Brady of not wanting to see him and Holly happy because he and Theresa have no idea how to be happy — together or separately. Brady counters that Tate has had two dates with Holly and they both ended in disaster. He’s already put down a deposit on the camp. “You’re going whether you like it or not.”

At the Pub, Holly complains about EJ not caring about her as much as his own kids. She knows it’s just a matter of time before Nicole and EJ break up again anyway. She wishes that her mother had stayed with Eric forever. She again asks him not to leave Salem. Eric says he loves her and will pray things get better for her.

Outside the DiMera mansion, EJ tells Nicole that he and Melinda were discussing an important case. Melinda agrees that they resolved it and thanks him before leaving. Nicole angrily asks what possible reason EJ had for giving Melinda immunity. EJ says he had no choice because Rafe and Stefan were desperate to free Gabi, who is actually innocent. Nicole counters that Melinda is not. She needs time alone, so EJ returns to the house. Nicole thinks about Eric telling her he might be leaving Salem.


Alone at the Pub, Eric reads an offer on his phone for a photography job in Paris.

Kristen comes home to EJ, who has a favor to ask about a potential hire. Meanwhile, Ava calls Roman and quits the Pub.

At the townhouse, Brady tells Tate to give camp a chance and leaves the room. Seething, Tate calls Holly. “How would you feel about running away together?”

A freshly shaven Stefan and Gabi come to their bedroom. Gabi wants to feel nothing against her body but him. She disrobes. He follows suit, and they hungrily kiss. Later, Gabi tells Ari over the phone that she’s taking the DiMera jet to Phoenix first thing in the morning. After hanging up, Stefan spoons Gabi, who muses that Stefan must have been lonely without her. Lonely for her, he says. She notes that with all the beautiful women in the world, he didn’t give in to temptation. Stefan flashes back to having sex with Ava, but says, “You’re the only woman I want to be with. Now and forever.”

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