Days of Our Lives

Xander Is Pretty Sure He Figured Out Philip and Stephanie’s Secret — and Joy Makes a Sudden and Extreme Decision

Days In the hospital reception, Xander furrows his brow, looking uncertain as Sarah talks to him

Credit: Peacock screenshot

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On today’s Days of Our Lives, we pick up from yesterday, with Stephanie assuring Philip that she won’t say anything about the letter and Xander overhearing just as his brother mentions keeping “our little secret” from Alex. Stephanie says she’s made her peace with keeping this from Alex and no one else needs to know that — Oh! She spots Xander lurking.

Days Stephanie glares at Philip as they sit on a bench before the plaque in the Horton Town Square

Philip panics: “What the hell, Xander?!” He and Stephanie try to cover their talk, but Xander can’t help but throw in a few comments about Steph and Alex and hoping nothing happens to screw it up. Philip tries to get Xander to go back to the office with him, but Xander says he’s got to do something and heads off cheerfully.

“Do you think he heard us?” Stephanie asks. Philips doesn’t think so, but Steph’s worried. Neither of them like this and Philip says he feels bad about lying to Xander now. But he wants to live, so he’ll pass on telling the truth. Stephanie’s still disgusted by him, even if she agreed to keep quiet.

Joy Quits Rather Than Be Honest

Joy stops Alex from leaving the Titan office, thinking back to her pregnancy results. She pauses, then says she wants to clear the air. Alex assumes she has feelings for him, but ew, no, this is life-changing news. But she mostly just rambles about everything but the pregnancy, not able to tell him, and instead saying she’s quitting her job.

Days In the Titan office, Joy stands, hands clasped in front of her, before Alex, hands in his pockets

Alex promises she won’t be a problem for him and Stephanie, as Joy none-too-subtly rubs her stomach and says, “You don’t know that.” She insists that her leaving makes sense, so she’ll just move back to New York. Body and Soul’s gone and her family is back there.

Maggie Brings Up Vivian

Maggie pops into the hospital to volunteer and says hi to Sarah while she’s there. She just came from volunteering at Statesville and had a run-in with Vivian. She wanted to talk about Philip and Victor’s letter. Sarah’s face freezes as she nods. Vivian just wanted to talk about how pleased she was that the letter gave Philip his shot at Titan. That and “she was so grateful that she was able to forge a new relationship with Philip.”

Days Maggie just stands staring at Sarah as she pours herself some coffee in the hospital reception area

Maggie’s a bit confused about when they could develop this new relationship, but Sarah just nods. “Mmm. That’s strange.” She then talks it down, saying Vivian’s just kooky and delusional. Xander shows up and Maggie mentions her curious run-in with Vivian, but Sarah cuts her off and sends her to work before Maggie can mention the “forge” comment.

Xander tells Sarah he had a curious run-in, too! He overheard a secret they’re keeping from Alex and he knows exactly what it is. And Sarah does, too, right? Panic. So much panic on Sarah’s face.

Shane Tells Theresa About Kimberly

Shane gives Theresa a call to fill her in on his “devastating news.” And no, it’s not about John. It’s about her mom. Kimberly’s cancer is back and it’s progressing. He’s telling the kids before anyone else, but Theresa’s the first he could get a hold of. “Your mother’s beaten this before, she’s going to beat it again.” It’s bad, though. But she’s starting treatment right away, and leukemia treatment has advanced.

Days Out in the park, Theresa looks aghast as she talks on her phone

Theresa sits down, devastated, and Shane assures her that Kimberly won’t be going through it alone. He’s going back to L.A. to be with her, and there’s something Theresa can do, too.

Brady and Tate Say Goodbye

At home, Brady ribs Tate about sleeping in late, then tells him what Marlena and Steve found from meeting with Shane. They’re heading to Estonia, John’s last known location. Tate’s a bit doubtful that an entire country is much of a lead (agreed), but Brady insists Steve’s a good enough PI to find more info.

Brady switches to asking about Tate and Holly, and his son fills him in on their fight, along with the good news that Paulina may have gotten through to Sophia’s mom. It’s a relief, but he doubts mom will agree. Both of them agree that basing adoption fears on how Aunt Eve turned out isn’t the best idea.

Days A shirtless Tate sits talking on the couch with Brady, who's holding a tablet

Tate believes the baby will be better with Johnny and Chanel. Brady’s response, “I certainly hope so, too.” He’s not thrilled about EJ being involved in his grandkid’s life. But if everyone agrees it’s best, he’ll support it. But it’s better if Johnny and Chanel move out. Brady offers to talk to Theresa, but Tate says she came around. Reluctantly.

Tate wonders if Grandpa John would be disappointed in him if he comes home and finds out what happened. No, Brady says. WHEN grandpa comes home, he’ll be proud of Tate doing the right thing. Brady suggests they go to the batting cages, but as Tate goes to get dressed, Theresa shows up, visibly upset.

Days Theresa hugs Tate goodbye in his living room as Brady sadly watches

She breaks into tears as she tells Brady her mom’s leukemia’s back and he pulls her in for a hug. Tate comes out and Theresa fills him in on Grandma Kimberly. It’s too soon to tell her prognosis, but she’s starting treatment and Theresa’s going to California to be with her.

Theresa says her farewells, with the guys telling her to let Kimberly know they’re thinking of her and praying for her. She can’t even stay for a trip to the batting cage. They share an emotional goodbye.

Xander Draws the Wrong Conclusion

In the show’s final moments, Stephanie and Alex run into each other in the square, where he cuts the cutesy meeting short by telling her about his run-ins with Theresa and Joy. He and Theresa are surprisingly fine, but Joy said she was quitting. Stephanie’s shocked, but hopes it works out.

Days In the Horton Square, Alex stands close to Stephanie as they talk

Philip gets back to the office where Joy quits. Immediately. He’s sorry to hear that, but wishes her luck in moving back to New York. She heads to the pub, packs her bags and calls her mom as she gets ready to head to the airport. She promises to explain when she gets home, then, after hanging up, pulls out the pregnancy results again. “Nope. Hasn’t changed.” (And yes, Joy really is gone.) Philip calls Kate to tell her Stephanie confirmed she’ll keep quiet. Xander might have interrupted them, though…

Xander tells Sarah that Philip and Stephanie are clearly having an affair. It’s the only explanation that makes sense, but Sarah insists he not say anything. He and Philip are getting along now at Titan. Don’t ruin it. And it’s not like he’s lying to Alex, just omitting something. Xander doesn’t like that either way, he’s betraying a member of the family.

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