Not One But Two Interruptions Bring ‘Rafe’ and Jada’s Wedding to a Halt

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Outside of the church, Steve meets Kayla, tells her how beautiful she looks, and they share a kiss. Kayla wishes she could have gone to Jada’s party but got stuck in the ICU all night. She asks how the bachelor party was. He informs her of the tiff he and “Rafe” had because he took a case working for EJ and never told him. Kayla thought they hated each other. Steve says they do, but it didn’t stop “Rafe” from taking the case. He explains it’s supposed to be to find Sloan Peterson, and “Rafe” also told Jada that he sent him out of town on a case a few weeks back, but he didn’t. Kayla wonders what could be going on. Steve says after the honeymoon, he and “Rafe” will discuss their working relationship.
Kayla says Rafe is a man of his word and would never go behind Steve’s back, so something must be going on. Steve asks her not to say anything to Jada as he just wants this day to be perfect for her. They talk about Marcus, and how they wish he was here to see his daughter married.
Paulina arrives as Steve and Kayla are kissing and jokes, “Get a room!” Kayla asks where Abe is, and Paulina explains he and Kate got stuck at the office catching up after everything that happened with Bonnie’s fall. Steve invites her to sit with them, but she’s officiating the wedding, and Javi has been very demanding with his directions. She’s also shocked “Rafe” would have her officiate, given she relieved him of his job. Kayla says maybe he is trying to smooth things over. Paulina comments on how chilly it is for an outside wedding in January. Steve thinks all Jada and Rafe want is to be married.
At the Hernandez house, Jada gets a call from “Rafe,” easing her concerns that something is up with him. He says he wanted one last call with his fiancée before she became his wife. She admits that she thought he was getting cold feet when she hadn’t heard from him. “Rafe” assures her that nothing will stop him from making her his bride. Jada lets him know that she has a birthday surprise for him, and she loves him so much.
Jada gets off the phone and tells Stephanie that he sounded upbeat and he can’t wait to marry her. Jada then calls her mom and wishes she could be here, and dad too. She tells her to focus on getting better, and they’ll send her lots of photos. After the call, Stephanie asks how her mom is. Jada says she has a really bad flu, and she wishes she could have been here.
Later, Jada changes into her wedding dress, and Stephanie tells her that she’s stunning. Before they go, Stephanie gives Jada a gift from her sister Natalia, who is building homes in Ecuador. She opens the box, and inside is a necklace her dad got her sister as a little girl. Jada can’t believe she sent this, and Stephanie puts it on her. Stephanie then gives her a six-pence for her shoe for luck, though she knows she and Rafe don’t need luck.
In Horton Square, Javi accuses Leo of ruining Jada and Rafe’s wedding, because last night his cousin cheated on Jada. They sit down, and Leo says this is crazy, as Rafe loves Jada. Javi says it was with the dancer he hired, but Leo doesn’t think Sally would ever do that, as men are not her type. Javi says this woman’s name was Savanah. Leo groans, “Oh no they sent Savanah, she’d sleep with a lamppost!” Javi says this isn’t like the Rafe he knows. Leo says Rafe is so straight, so could Javi have jumped to the wrong conclusion? Javi says “Rafe” admitted it when he caught her in his room wearing a towel, and he begged him not to tell Jada.
Leo asks if he will tell Jada, but Javi says “Rafe” gave him this whole bro-code speech and laid a guilt trip on him, so he agreed to keep quiet. However, Jada deserves to know, but Rafe is his blood, and how can he destroy a wedding he planned? Javi asks Leo for his advice. Leo is shocked as nobody usually asks for his advice. He says when he first came to Salem, he knew a huge secret, and carrying it caused him so much guilt that he’d never do it again. However, he also never came from a loving family, and Javi lives with Rafe and might shoot the messenger. Javi feels like Leo isn’t helping.
The real Rafe knocks EJ out in the secret room and flees. EJ’s assistant, Rita, shows up in the living room, and no one is around. She tells Stephano’s portrait that this would never have happened if he was still here, as there was always someone to greet a guest. Suddenly, Rafe steps out of the secret door. Rita is shocked, introduces herself, and asks why the ex-police commissioner just came out of the walls. Rafe explains EJ has been holding him hostage, and a fake named Arnold has been posing as him. He has to stop him from marrying his fiancée today and asks for a phone. Rita digs in her purse for a phone, stalls, and then produces a tazer and zaps Rafe!
EJ emerges from the secret room, is surprised to see Rita, and asks what happened here. Rita explains she brought the information on Jada from the police station he wanted, and she found Mr. Hernandez here, who claimed he was being held prisoner in the basement and asked for her phone to call the police. That’s when she tazed him to stop him from blabbering to the whole world to protect EJ’s latest criminal exploit from being revealed. EJ thanks her, and she hopes this will be reflected in her next yearly bonus. EJ assures her it will. Rita orders EJ to tell her exactly what he’s up to. EJ says he’ll tell her everything, but first takes Rafe back to the secret room.
Rita helps tie Rafe up, commenting that Elvis Jr. was never a good Boy Scout and can’t tie a knot properly, which is why Rafe escaped in the first place. EJ thanks Rita, who says she’ll always be loyal to the family. Rita recalls the last time Arnold impersonated Rafe, and the situation went south quickly. EJ wasn’t planning for Arnold’s return but explains he’s using the situation to get revenge on Jada for firing him. Rita understands why he wanted the information he did, and hands him a thick envelope. EJ asks Rita to keep an eye on Rafe as he needs to execute his plan as the clock is ticking.
Earlier, while EJ is out cold, Arnold called EJ to get his final marching orders, but he didn’t pick up.
There is a knock at his hotel door, and Arnold answers, thinking it’s EJ, but it’s Gabi. Gabi asks why she thought she was EJ. “Rafe” says EJ hired him to do a job, and he thought EJ was coming to pay his bill, but he seems to have stiffed him. Gabi says it figures, and he should have come to her if he needed money. She makes her “brother” promise her not to get burned again by EJ.
Gabi gives “Rafe” a gift from Eli and Lani, some expensive champagne for his wedding night. She offers to drive him to the wedding, and he can’t believe she doesn’t have a hot date. She did, and explains JJ had to work.
Back at the church, Leo and Javi arrive, and Paulina asks who invited Leo. Leo says his boyfriend Javi did. Leo introduces Javi to them all, but they all know him except Kayla.
“Rafe” and Gabi arrive, and Leo asks Javi if he’s decided what to do. He hasn’t yet. Gabi tells Javi the garden is beautiful and he outdid himself. “Rafe” tells his cousin this day wouldn’t have been possible without him.
Stephanie arrives and connects with her parents. She says the bride is doing well, and it means the world her dad is stepping in for Marcus. Steve is homered to.
Everyone takes their seats, and Steve talks with Jada about her dad. He says they were each other’s family in the orphanage, so when Marcus met her mom and had his own family, he was overjoyed. He says Marcus was so proud of her.
The wedding march begins, and Steve walks Jada down the aisle. He then tells “Rafe” to take good care of her. Paulina begins the ceremony. She gets to the part and asks if anyone knows why these two should not be joined to speak now. Suddenly, Leo stands and announces he has something to say. Paulina declares, “What is going on? Your interrupting behavior has become a bad habit.” Leo tells Javi to let him take this bullet for him. Javi stands and tells Leo this is his secret to tell, and announces he has something to say.
Back in the secret room, Rafe wakes tied up with Rita sitting next to him. She tells him not to waste his energy trying to get out. It won’t work this time around. He calls her a DiMera stooge. Upstairs, EJ says everything is in place, and now it’s up to Arnold.
At the wedding, “Rafe” tells Javi whatever surprise he has in store can wait. Suddenly, “Rafe’s” phone beeps, he checks it, and acts stunned. Jada says he’s scaring him; what is going on? “Rafe,” tells her, “I’m sorry, but I can’t marry you!”