Bold & Beautiful’s Killer Twist: You Won’t *Believe* Why Bill Is Asking Luna About the Murders Again

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI
Bold & Beautiful’s Bill stunned viewers by having a cold-blooded killer freed from prison, but the direction this story is heading may prove even more shocking to fans!
When we call Luna a cold-blooded killer, we do mean cold. Not only did she murder Tom for wanting to claim her as his daughter, but she offed the affable Hollis and shrugged it off as collateral damage. Worse, she framed her own mother for her dirty work and didn’t have a hint of remorse.
We can’t unsee (or unknow) any of that, but that may be exactly what Bold & Beautiful plans to ask us to do in the not-so-distant future!
New Bold & Beautiful spoilers have Bill asking Luna to describe how she killed Tom and Hollis, and we couldn’t help but wonder why on earth he’d want to go over the grisly details yet again. If you’ll remember, he already went over this with Luna, who asked why he wanted to know. He replied, “You know why,” and she complied, which gave us some new flashbacks to the killings that we hadn’t seen.
But it all left us thinking that while Luna may have known why Bill wanted the details, we sure didn’t. The whole thing was kinda cryptic and not a little creepy. Frankly, Bill knowing the details of how she killed two innocent men made it even more bizarre that he had her released from prison.
Now that Luna’s living at Bill’s pad under house arrest, things appear set to take yet another weird turn. First, we have Luna making an apology to Bill. Given she’s been portrayed as some kind of sociopath, we’ll take that with a grain of salt. But then, as mentioned, we have Bill following that up with more questions about her crimes. So, where’s it all headed?
If our hunch is correct, Bill’s going to absorb the details Luna gives him and come up with a way to get her off the hook. Yep, we think Bold & Beautiful is angling to have Bill exonerate Luna by proving that although she intended to commit the crimes, she wasn’t actually the one who did the deeds. Someone else killed Tom and Hollis and either let her believe she’d done it, or was completely unaware of her intentions or involvement.
It feels like a massive stretch, but this is Bold & Beautiful and, therefore, it wouldn’t be at all suprising. The soap is clearly eyeing more storylines for Luna given that the preview reveals Jack as her biological father this week and they’ve established that Luna is enamored with Will. The character can’t be properly involved in plots if she’s cowering in Bill’s closet or living her life on his upper staircase landing, so the shocking truth is that this is all heading toward exoneration for Luna.