Bold & Beautiful Shocker: [Spoiler] Is K.i.l.l.e.d!
Bold & Beautiful Shocker: [Spoiler] Is K.i.l.l.e.d!

It may be getting hotter and hotter outside, but at least one character on The Bold and the Beautiful is about to turn cold — as in deathly cold! Yep, the week of July 1, the Grim Reaper makes a special guest appearance. The question is, who’s about to be rocking the season’s most stylish toe tag and getting added to our countdown of the show’s most impactful send-offs?
Looking at the just-released spoilers, we know that the deceased won’t be Bill, Poppy, Katie, Paris, Hope, Thomas or Eric. All of them are mentioned by name and clearly still have a pulse. So who does that leave? Obviously, the show isn’t going to kill off frontburner couple Steffy and Finn. (Heck, they already tricked us once into thinking that Finn was dead; no way are we falling for that again!) There’s no reference in the teasers to Luna, but duh. She’s safe. Not only is she key to Bill and Poppy’s insta-family — and Mom’s budding rivalry with Katie — but pics from the soap’s sun-drenched photo shoot suggest that, for better or worse, the young woman’s days of being stuck between Zende and R.J. aren’t over.
Bold & Beautiful would sooner change its title to Fashion-Challenged & Mousy than harm a hair on Brooke and/or Ridge’s head. It had Sheila cheat death in order to rebrand her as the small screen’s most dangerous “heroine” and marry her off to Deacon. So… who, then? Since happily ever after is a one-way ticket to the backburner, we suppose that Eric could have survived his health crisis only to be widowed by Donna’s passing. But that seems cruel, no?
Carter doesn’t get a whole lot to do — and seems likely to have even less, now that Katie seems to be going all green-eyed monster over Bill. But the show seems to at least value him as a talk-to and frequent wedding officiant. (Plus, his portrayer is on the writing team.) Liam must be kept at the ready for the next time that the powers that be decide to reheat his love triangle with Steffy and Hope — or, better yet, when they finally elect to mix him up with this scheme queen!
Tom would seem to be outta the question as, without him, there’s no conflict to Bill and Poppy’s coming together. If he isn’t out there, scaring the bejesus out of Luna’s mom with his insistence that he should be getting Father’s Day cards, the question of Luna’s paternity is answered and the story less a plot than a mere plot point. Maybe it’s Li? Nah. She’s already proven once that she’s un-killable. Plus, when she’s on a real tirade, she’s the closest thing the show has to Stephanie!
We suppose that the unfortunate soul who bites the dust could be someone relatively minor, like, say, Hollis. But would a minor character spark what we are told is going to be “a sizzling summer mystery”? Doubtful.
What’s really piqued our interest about the reveal that death is about to come a-callin’ is the guest cast for the week ahead. Not only is Ted King back as Finn’s father Jack, but Aaron D. Spears reappears as Justin. Maybe Jack has reached his breaking point. Perhaps it’s driven him mad to see Sheila get away with everything that she has and he’s going to take a “stab” at finishing what Steffy started (with Sugar, but still!). Imagine how much more intensely bonded Finn and his Biological Mother would be if he saved her from an attack by his dad… by accidentally killing Jack.
As for Justin, he’s a real wildcard. Once upon a time, he and Bill were as thick as thieves. But when they had their falling-out, they fell way out. If Justin’s back, it can only mean trouble of the big kind. If he tries to upend the new life that his former boss is building for himself, it’s conceivable that he could pay with his life. He could also attempt to hold Thomas accountable for his role in niece Emma’s death. In that case, with emotions heightened, tempers flaring, anyone who intervened on Thomas’ behalf might wind up accidentally sending Justin to the great beyond.