Promise, Shmomise: Bold & Beautiful’s Steffy Just Betrayed Her Whole Family

Credit: Gilles Toucas/CBS
Gotta say this for Bold & Beautiful powerhouse Steffy: She is her grandmother’s granddaughter. Just like Stephanie would have with Brooke once upon a time, Steffy showed Hope no mercy in the March 19 episode (recapped here). The reinstated Forrester Creations co-CEO wasted no time shrugging off Eric and Ridge’s promise to Carter that Hope For the Future was safe and suspended the line.
Actually, no — Steffy cancelled the line… with relish! “We wouldn’t have the company back if Carter didn’t have standards and morals,” she told her sometime stepsister. “He saw the error of his ways. But you? You don’t. You think what you were doing was fine. Kicking out my grandfather, the founder of the company? You think that was OK?”
Steffy was quick to shut down the idea of Hope turning to Ridge for support. “He’s not your father,” Steffy hissed, “Deacon Sharpe is. [Between him and Brook, you have] two parents with questionable morals. It’s no wonder you’ve only been loyal to one person: yourself.”
Not that Hope was any innocent in what went down — she did make a play for Steffy’s husband and champion the coup — but that’s still fantastically funny dialogue coming from the character who once trapped the blonde in a gondola so she could marry Liam under from under her, then cheated on Finn with her ex after he thought his wife had strayed (when really, it was just a mannequin).
Carter attempted to intervene on his girlfriend’s behalf, but Steffy wasn’t about to hear it. So what if Ridge and Eric gave their word that HFTF was safe. “Word?” she repeated after the COO in disbelief. “This is coming from the man who was my father’s best friend. The man who stole the company from us.”
Mm, no, it was Eric and Ridge who had given their word to Carter, he was just reminding Steffy of that. Not that she gave two [bleeps]. Maybe not even one. Without blinking, she stabbed her father and grandfather in the back by making them liars. “This is about family,” she insisted. “It’s about honor and respect.” Yet she had betrayed her family, dishonored and disrespected her elders. Not only that, but she disregarded the fact that they should have a say in the matter. Like, “I’m doing this all for you — shut up!”
Somehow, Steffy nonetheless maintained that she wasn’t the bully that Hope wanted to make her out to be. But — and this’ll bring on the usual chants of “Logan lover! Logan lover!” — wasn’t that what she came off like? That she would have been livid over the coup, we get. But she wasn’t just meting out punishment, she was strong-arming everyone in sight. “You two better watch what you say,” she warned Carter and Brooke, “if you want to have a future here.” Who makes that kind of threat but a tyrant?