Bold and the Beautiful

Luna Swears Remy to Secrecy — and Finn Begs Steffy Not to Give Up On Them

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At the cliff house, Steffy reels at the news that Luna Nozawa is Finn’s daughter… the same Luna who tried to kill her. Steffy’s sure this is another manipulation or lie from Poppy. Finn wishes it was, but it’s not. “I’m Luna’s father. I’m incredibly sorry.”

Remy Learns More About Luna

At Bill’s place, Remy didn’t expect to run into someone like Luna when he agreed to help Spencer fix his A/C. He asks if he should be concerned. “God, it’s really you.” Luna asks, “Dario, right?” Remy confirms it. Luna warns that if Bill knew they were talking it would be bad for both of them. Remy realizes no one knows she’s there. “What about your family?” Luna says her dad isn’t around and her mom has no clue. Remy feels her situation doesn’t “suck”. Luna says it’s almost norma except for her ankle monitor. Remy can’t understand why Bill would spring her from jail. She says they connected in a way no one else understands. She warns again that he can’t tell anyone he saw her. Smiling, he says, “You’ll have to kill me, right?”
Luna Remy B&B

Remy finishes up and gripes about Bill’s people not maintaining the system. He wouldn’t mind getting more of this kind of work. He mentions Bill told him to do the job and then get out… leave by the service gate. Luna says, “In other words, he didn’t want you to see me.”

Sheila and Poppy Bond

At Il Giardino, Sheila and Poppy discuss Luna being behind bars for the rest of her life. Sheila says, “You never know. Look at me.” She talks about the suffocating feeling of isolation in prison. Poppy confides that the last time she went to visit her daughter she wasn’t there. Sheila frowns. She asks, “Did she just not want to see you?” Poppy says they told her she wasn’t at the facility. Sheila wonders if she got transferred or had a medical appointment. Poppy says they wouldn’t give her any information. “As if I wasn’t worried enough about Luna. I just never thought this would be my life. To have a daughter who could commit such horrible crimes. Luna’s going to be locked away for the rest of her life.”

Sheila tells Poppy the two of them aren’t so different… circumstances are keeping them away from their children. Her son is being kept from her by an over-bearing wife. Poppy muses that her daughter’s in prison for taking the lives of two men. Sheila misses Finn so much… she’s sure Poppy wishes Luna too. Poppy cries, “Of course I do, and she’ll never be part of my life again.” Sheila wants more than anything to have a real place in her son’s life… he and Hayes mean everything to her. With Hayes, she feels like she’s being given a second chance. She would give anything to have a relationship with her grandchild.

Ridge and Taylor Count Their Blessings

At the Forrester mansion, Ridge looks up at his dad’s portrait and Taylor grabs him from behind. They kiss and he asks, “What was that for?” Taylor’s just happy and thought she’d share it. Ridge wants seconds so they kiss again. Taylor talks about how grateful she is to be together again after all these years. Her kids are doing great… Thomas is thriving and raising Douglas, and she couldn’t be happier for their daughter. Ridge admits that it’s not easy being grateful with the company gone. Taylor says family keeps them sane. Ridge marvels at her ability to put things in perspective. Taylor assures him the Forrester family is strong. Their kids are in solid, loving relationships… especially Steffy. Taylor gets beers for them and they talk about Finn saving Steffy’s life and how they got past Sheila being his mother. She doesn’t think there’s any obstacle too big for them to overcome. The recap the challenges with Finn’s family and hope there’s no more challenges for the two of them.
Taylor Ridge B&B

At Il Giardino, Sheila complains to Poppy about all the “firsts” she missed out on with Finn. She feels like she could be a part of that in Hayes’ life, but they won’t let her. All she wants is to be a really great grandmother to her grandchild.

At Bill’s place, Luna explains to Remy that Bill would send her back to prison if he knew she was talking to him. Remy asks, “Why are you?” Luna sensed a kindred spirit and thought he’d keep her secret. He grins, “My lips are sealed.”

Steffy’s Pushed to the Limit

At the cliff house, Steffy asks her husband, “How could you not have known?” Finn says Poppy told her the baby wasn’t his and he believed her. He may never have known if not for his mother running the paternity test on Tom Starr. Finn tells his wife that he ran two paternity tests of his own and it proved he’s Luna’s father. Steffy cries. They go over Finn believing Poppy, who lied. Steffy exclaims that all his life he thought Luna was his cousin, but the person who drugged her, put her in a cage and wanted her dead is his daughter!

Steffy doesn’t know what to do with all of this. Finn tried to block out what happened with Poppy and never thought anything would come of it. Steffy recaps that something did come of it… he’s got a psychopath daughter now who tried to kill her. It kills Finn to see how much pain he’s causing her. Steffy sighs, “First, you tell me Sheila Carter is your birth mother, and now this.” Finn can’t imagine what she’s feeling. He wouldn’t blame her if she wanted to get away from his, from him, as soon as possible. Finn hates knowing she may never look at him the same way again, but he loves her. He pleads with her not to give up on their family. Sheila didn’t come between them and they won’t let Luna either. She and their precious children are all that matters to him. Steffy says he has another daughter… who tried to kill her. “How much more of this am I supposed to take?!”

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