Forget ‘Who’s Luna’s Daddy?’ Bold & Beautiful Tees Up an Even More Explosive Family Reveal

Credit: CBS screenshot (4)
For going on two years, The Bold and the Beautiful has been loudly asking and answering a singular question: Who is Luna’s father? (We may finally find out this week.) But at the same time, the show may be setting up an even more explosive reveal: Daphne is Ridge’s daughter!
We know. Upon the duo’s introduction, it seemed like Daphne was as interested in seducing Ridge as her intended target, Carter. But she could have just been sizing up the guy she only recently learned was her father. Perhaps Mom never told Daphne about the tryst she had with a handsome American who was grieving for wife Taylor back in the 1990s. Perhaps Mom only came clean about the identity of Daphne’s dad when a health crisis made her fear the end was near.
Which — spoiler alert — it wasn’t.
When Mom recovered, she begged Daphne to leave well enough alone and be happy with the amazing life that she has, not the one she could have had if she and Steffy had grown up as sisters. But when the opportunity arose to visit L.A. — and meet the famous Ridge Forrester — Daphne couldn’t resist.
The question then would become, what does she want? Daphne’s not bitter. She’s succeeded beyond anyone’s wildest dreams and has had affairs that would make Brooke blush. But she may be impressed by the brand into which Carter is turning Forrester. In fact, she may be so impressed that she wants not so much a piece of the pie but the whole pie.
To that end, Daphne goes through with the plan to seduce Carter; easy peasy. She even has him make her a partner in Forrester Creations. Unaware of the backstab, only that Hope and Carter are kaput, Steffy delights in announcing to Ridge & Co. that at last the company is back in the family’s hands. “That it is,” Daphne agrees, raising a glass of champagne. “My hands.”
Gasps of “What?“ “Huh?” “What’s she talking about?” erupt. Only then does Daphne reveal that she’s now running the company with Carter. “But I’ll always have a place for you,” she adds, looking Ridge right in the eye, “Daddy.”