
‘OutDaughtered’: Hazel Busby’s Updated Photo with Her Boyfriend

OutDaughtered sweetie Hazel Busby has a boyfriend named Graham, and TLC viewers worried about their relationship. After the pandemic, Hazel got really shy and didn’t want to talk to him, but it seems like things are different now.

OutDaughtered: Hazel Busby & Graham Spend Time Together

Hazel Busby of OutDaughtered was “boy crazy,” according to her teachers. But finally, she found a guy that stopped her boy chasing ways. Graham was the guy that made Hazel quit chasing the boys, and she declared to her family that he was her boyfriend.

Before the COVID-19 pandemic, they used to spend time at school together. It seemed like Graham was more than happy to be her boyfriend. When they had to stop going to school and weren’t able to see each other, viewers thought that might be the end to “Grazel,” as Danielle Busby likes to call it.

Graham from OutDaughtered came to Hazel’s birthday party and gave her flowers, and she seemed a little shy. However, she did grin from ear to ear and was very happy with the gift. The parents kept encouraging them and seem to be more than happy to keep the match going.


Graham Really Likes Hazel

Of course, it was Graham’s parents that bought the flowers for Hazel Busby. But that doesn’t mean that Graham doesn’t like her. He is always happy to see her, and Uncle Dale Mills teases him about her whenever he gets the chance.

Once Graham even brought Danielle a coffee, which Dale said was pretty smooth. He admired that he was trying to get in good with the parents. Fans of OutDaughtered said it was cute to watch the two of them.

Their parents make sure to keep them around each other, and now that school is back, it’s likely easier. And the Busby’s have a big enough house that makes it easy for everyone to get together and hang out. It looks like Hazel Busby from OutDaughtered was watching her boyfriend play Nintendo Switch.

OutDaughtered: Hazel Busby

OutDaughtered: Getting Good News from the Eye Doctor

Hazel Busby doesn’t like going to the eye doctor, but she’s used to it. When they do have to go down to Austin, whichever parent goes makes sure to make it a special time. This last appointment wasn’t anything to worry about.

Adam Busby of OutDaughtered said he was glad to hear that they didn’t have to use the eye patch anymore. Hazel didn’t really like to use it, but she did what she had to. She had one patch that made her look like a pirate, and she did have some fun with that.

OutDaughtered star Hazel doesn’t talk to her eye doctor, but she does listen. Adam thinks it is funny that she refuses to talk to the doctor. But as long as they get through the appointment without any problems – he doesn’t care.

Living Life to the Max

Hazel enjoys her life and plays all out. That’s why she gets hurt a lot of times, and OutDaughtered dad Adam commented recently, “Why does it always have to be Hazel?” After getting hurt and cutting her leg open, Adam Busby teased that they would have to take the leg off.

Hazel was terrified, but they finally let her know he was joking, and she carefully went back to playing. Hazel is quiet, but she plays all out when she does get going. Fans wonder if her difficulty seeing causes her to injure herself more than the others.

Whatever the case, viewers are glad she doesn’t let her eyes stop her and that she’s enjoying her life so much.

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