90 Day Fiancé

90 Day Fiance: Patrick Upset Thais’ Dad Calls Him Names

90 Day Fiance: Patrick Upset Thais’ Dad Calls Him Names

90 Day Fiance: Patrick Mendes

Patrick Mendes doesn’t get a warm welcome from Thais Ramone‘s father on 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After. Their trip isn’t off to a good start when her father starts calling him names. Will the trip be a success—or a disaster from the start?

90 Day Fiance: Patrick Mendes & Thais Ramone Go to Brazil

Patrick Mendes and Thais Ramone decide to take a trip to Brazil. She hasn’t been back to her home country since she left a couple of years ago. Now that their little girl, Aleesi, is six months old, they feel it is a good time to bring her to meet her family.


However, the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After cast member’s father, Carlos, isn’t her husband’s biggest fan. When she moved to America, she didn’t tell her father that she was going there to marry an American. And when they came clean about it, he wasn’t happy and didn’t approve of their marriage. He even told his daughter to come back to Brazil.

Thais’ Father Calls Patrick Mean Name

Thais and Patrick land in Brazil. She is happy to be back home and can’t wait to call her father, Carlos. She calls her father and tells him she and her husband are on their way. He says hi to his father-in-law. However, Carlos doesn’t sound too happy to hear his son-in-law. He replies, “Hey, little b**tard.”

90 Day Fiance: Patrick Mendes
Patrick Mendes | TLC

Patrick is the one driving. Thai’s father asks how he is holding up behind the wheel. She tells her father that he “doesn’t even know how to drive here.” She felt it was easier for her to drive. But her husband wanted to.

The 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After castmate starts to panic when she sees that her husband isn’t stopping at a stop sign. Thais repeatedly tells him, “You have to stop.” But he tells her he doesn’t have to stop. And that gets her upset.

Claros tells his daughter over the phone that her husband needs to be careful. But Patricks says that “no one stops here.”

90 Day Fiance: Patrick Mendes
Happily Ever After | TLC

90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After Celeb Confronts Wife about Name Calling

Patrick Mendes tells Thais Ramone that he knows how to drive. He feels that she is a backseat driver. But she disagrees. He says that she complains about his driving. Yet, he feels that she never wants to drive. However, she thinks she is only trying to help her husband drive on the streets of Brazil.

Yet, the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After reality star thinks his driving is the least of his worries. He tells Thais he just got to Brazil, and her father is already calling him names. She doesn’t know what to say about that.

Patrick doesn’t know why Thais’ father is calling him a “little b**tard.” She doesn’t know how to answer her husband. Will they all be able to get along while in Brazil — or is this only the beginning of the name-calling?

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