90 Day Fiancé

Breaking News: Kobe Takes Emily’s Side

Kobe and Emily are the wildcard couple of 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? season 8 and have proved they’re perfect for the spin-off.


  •  Kobe & Emily prove healthy relationships can be entertaining on 90 Day Fiancé.
  •  Their journey on Pillow Talk showcased a different, genuine side of the couple.
  •  Kobe & Emily’s willingness to learn about each other’s cultures strengthens their bond.

90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? stars Kobe and Emily are one of the most enjoyable couples on season 8. Kobe, originally from Cameroon, met Emily in China while she was working as an English teacher. During their time in China, they fell in love and Emily quickly found out she was pregnant. Kobe proposed to Emily, but they were kept apart due to the COVID-19 pandemic. During 90 Day Fiancé season 9, Kobe finally arrived in the States. They had a rocky journey in the season and immediately got pregnant with their second child, Scarlett.

It was unclear if their relationship would go the distance, but they have proved everyone wrong. After appearing on the mainstay show, they joined Pillow Talk and became fan favorites. In HEA season 8, Kobe and Emily have one of the few healthy relationships among the other couples. They join the cast alongside Angela Deem and Michael Ilesanmi, who disappeared after coming to America. They might not have all the drama, but Kobe and Emily have proved themselves and made a turnaround with the fans, which not many other couples have been able to do.


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Kobe & Emily Have A Healthy Relationship

They Seem Genuinely Happy With Each Other

Kobe and Emily are the perfect addition to 90 Day Fiancé:Happily Ever After? Many of the couples on season 8, including Mahmoud and Nicole Sherbiny, who endured a cheating scandal, were cast because they brought shocking moments. Toxic couples are often given spots on the spin-off, but viewers rarely get to see healthy, fully functional relationships in the spotlight. Yes, it’s entertaining to see couples navigate their problems. However, it can be just as entertaining to watch a healthy couple happy and in love, which is what Kobe and Emily bring.

Kobe & Emily’s Pillow Talk Chemistry Is Shining Through On Happily Ever After?

Pillow Talk Saved Their Chances Of Being On Any Other Spin-Offs

Kobe and Emily 90 Day Fiance Pillow Talk looking excited watching the latest episodes of 90 day in a bed

Kobe and Emily’s stint on Pillow Talk cemented them as one of the greatest modern couples in the franchise. Their time on 90 Day Fiancé season 9 was portrayed as rocky, mainly highlighting Emily’s control issues. It was surprising that they were offered a spot on Pillow Talk, but thankfully they were because it showed a different side of both Kobe and Emily. On the spin-off, they watched new seasons in the 90 Day Fiancé network. With each episode, Kobe and Emily began to show how close they were as a couple.

Maybe their problems on 90 Day Fiancé season 9 were heightened to produce a good storyline. On Pillow Talk, Kobe and Emily are constantly laughing with each other and having a good time. They’re not putting on for the camera or struggling with things to say to each other. It was surprising to see how well they got along on their first few episodes of Pillow Talk because their time on 90 DayFiancé showed something completely different. Their chemistry on Pillow Talk has now carried over to 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? and it’s for everyone’s viewing experience.

Emily & Kobe’s Trip To Africa Is Engaging & Entertaining

Emily Is Learning So Much About Kobe & His Culture

It’s always entertaining when a spouse travels to meet their wife or husband’s family for the first time. Kobe and Emily’s trip to Cameroon on 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After? is larger than life because their two children and both of Emily’s parents joined them for the ride. Traveling anywhere with kids is tough, let alone navigating three sets of flights and flying around the globe. Oftentimes, 90 DayFiancé stars bring their parents along to help take care of the kids during travel days. Emily’s mother and father, Lisa and David Bieberly, are an engaging part of their appearance on 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?.

Lisa and David aren’t just babysitters on their family trip to Cameroon. They’re present and engaged in every moment of the trip. Of course, it’s great to see them aid Emily and Kobe as they go through the stressors of traveling with kids. They also bring a unique perspective, offering their insight as parents throughout the episodes. Kobe has a real bond with Emily’s family, and this shines through on the spinoff. Sometimes, family relationships between parents and spouses can be broken and hard to watch. With Kobe and Emily, this is not the case.

Kobe & Emily Are Interested In Learning About Their Partner’s Culture

They Make The Effort To Learn About Each Other

Kobe and Emily have been such a successful couple because they’re interested in learning about each other’s cultures. Granted, Kobe moved to the United States, so he essentially had no choice but to adapt to American ideals. On the flip side, Kobe comes from a culture where women are submissive to men. Knowing this, Kobe softened his ways and adapted to American culture, where women are strong and dominant. Kobe has never really discussed Emily’s dominance as a problem, either. It’s often his friends who bring up this ideal while Kobe defends his relationship with Emily.

“I love Emily, and I don’t expect her to change.”

Emily, too, has made strides to embrace Kobe’s culture. Upon their first meeting with Kobe’s family, Emily’s entire family purchased and wore traditional Cameroon clothing to show their respect. Emily admitted that it didn’t feel 100% right for her to be wearing the clothes, and she was worried that Kobe’s family would think they were mocking their culture. Kobe said this was not the case, and they all went into the first meeting sporting traditional Cameroon fashions. Kobe and Emily come from completely different cultures, but they’re willing to compromise and learn, which has benefited their relationship.

Emily Is Redeeming Herself From Her Time On 90 Day Fiancé

She’s Much More Relaxed On 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

Kobe and Emily received mixed reviews on 90 Day Fiancé season 9. After Kobe arrived in the States, viewers were upset that Emily wanted to spend time alone with him before he met his son, Koben. She was very disliked during the season, and Emily admitted she cringed while watching their 90 DayFiancé journey. Emily seemed bossy and extremely controlling of Kobe during the season. Despite a rocky road in their initial season, Kobe formed a strong bond with Emily’s parents, especially her father, David. Kobe’s relationship with David was one of their redeeming moments as a couple on the show.

The casting team saw something in Kobe and Emily that the fans hadn’t been able to see on 90 Day Fiancé, and they were given a spot on Pillow Talk. The spin-off series films past 90 DayFiancé personalities watching the latest seasons of the show. Kobe and Emily were not a couple that viewers expected to see on Pillow Talk, but they became an instant success on the show. Arguably, their good reception on Pillow Talk could have landed them another chance on the much more popular spin-off 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After?

Emily has fully redeemed herself from her appearance on 90 Day Fiancé season 9. Fans can see a more endearing and loving side of Emily on the show. Though they’ve been traveling most of the time on 90 Day Fiancé:Happily Ever After? there’s no denying that Kobe and Emily are happy and in love. They share two children, and it’s touching to see their family grow. The support that Lisa and David offer Kobe and Emily is so genuine, and it’s a unique dynamic that 90 Day Fiancé hasn’t seen thus far.

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