General Hospital Scandal: Are Tracy and Cody *Really* Going to, You Know, Go There? Hey, ‘She’s Not My Cousin’

Credit: ABC (2)
One of our favorite relationships on General Hospital is the unlikely one that has sprung up between Quartermatriarch Tracy and mostly reformed bad boy Cody. Their appreciation and understanding of one another is so profound, you don’t just see it, you can feel it. And not for nothing, but the chemistry between Jane Elliot and Josh Kelly doesn’t come along every day.
But would the show really go there and play a May/December affair between the twosome? Boy toys aren’t really Tracy’s style. But she already knows that there’s more to Cody than meets the eye. As for him, let’s face it, he’s been beyond off kilter since he found out that Sasha was his cousin. So anything could happen… and if it did, that would be just fine and dandy by Kelly.
Aside from us, no one is a bigger fan of Tracy and Cody’s relationship than the actor himself. “But I want more!” he tells Soap Opera Digest. “He definitely loves her, she loves him.”
Where the castmates agree to disagree is in the ideal storyline for their alter egos. “Jane wants [Cody] to fleece [Tracy], and I don’t,” Kelly admits. “I want everyone to think he’s trying to con her, but he’s actually just like, ‘No, we know exactly what this is and just like each other more than we like you guys!
“‘Plus,’” he adds in character, “’I’m pretty sure she’s not my cousin!’”
Although most General Hospital viewers seem to enjoy Tracy/Cody scenes as much as their portrayers do, would they be in favor of a more intimate relationship? Let’s find out. Vote in the poll below, then back up your answer with an explanation in the comments.