Jada Pulls In Her First Suspect as the Stalker Chooses Their Next Victim

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In today’s Days of Our Lives, Leo wakes Javi in bed with an incredulous outburst as he reads Kerry’s newest column, vowing revenge against Leo. “Why is The Spectator still printing this derogatory trash?” Just then, Kerry bursts into the room with a gun, pulling the trigger and… Leo wakes up to see Javi standing in the doorway with two mugs.
He asks what’s wrong and Leo tells him about his nightmare. Javi tells Leo that he texted Jada and the important thing is Kerry’s gone and they’re together. He suggests hunkering down in bed all day (Gabi won’t mind hooky, she’s family) and Leo, after some convincing, agrees to ditch work. But first, Leo needs to know that this all means something.
Javi says it does — he knew Kerry wasn’t right for him. He’s glad he doesn’t have to miss Leo anymore and Kerry’s gone. For good. They head down to eat breakfast, where Leo ponders his next twist for Kassandra and Charlemagne while Javi happily listens.
Jada calls JJ from the hospital asking him to take over the Rachel case. It looks like Bonnie’s fall wasn’t an accident. She gets a text from Javi, then gets back on the phone, saying they have a first suspect to bring in. In the park, we see the stalker from yesterday put a red “X” over Bonnie’s portrait.
At the hospital, Stephanie fills Alex in on the Cliff’s Notes version of her breakup from Philip. She only dated him because of Alex anyway. She wasn’t ready to end things between them. “Neither was I,” he tells her. They were both just worried about ruining the friendship, but wanted more. Joy was just a cover, which is when Steph decided to hook back up with Philip.
Though… Alex did spend the night with Joy on New Years. He apologizes and says since she was moving on, he figured he should, too. They both made mistakes, but they still aren’t sure if they can be together if they’re working on the show. “What if I wasn’t?” Stephanie asks. She could quit, but Alex doesn’t want her to give up her biggest client for them.
She misses him more than she loves doing the job. He doesn’t want to regret this is if it doesn’t work out. “What if it does?” she asks. He worries about the show and Stephanie says it’s already spinning out of control and dealing with is a huge headache she doesn’t need. She — Joy calls Alex’s name, walks over and gives him a hug, then takes him off to see Bonnie. Alex promises Stephanie they’ll catch up later.
Over in the pub, Kate gets off the phone with a panicking Seth, assuring him that their insurance will pay for any liability. Joy overhears and checks on Kate, saying it seems like Chanel’s quitting is causing a lot of problems. That’s when Kate tells Joy about Bonnie. She starts blaming it on Bonnie for going on a hot set after they’re done filming, but Joy stops her, saying she feels like blaming Bonnie is “victim blaming.”
Kate gets indignant saying if it wasn’t Bonnie not paying attention, was it her or Abe’s fault?? Instead, Joy blames Chanel for quitting and forcing the exit scene to be rushed. Kate shoots that down and asks what it’s really about. She’s a bit salty about Chanel’s slap on set, and she’s done letting Chanel blame her. She’s not even interested in Johnny! She’s seeing Alex and they even talked to Abe about it.
Kate offers some friendly advice about dating a coworker, but Joy assures her they’ll be total pros if they break up. She’s alone and Alex is the only one who’s been kind to her. He makes her feel safe. Kate’s happy, but still warns her to protect her heart. Joy heads out to see Alex and Bonnie at the hospital and Kate tells her to give their injured star her best.
Abe comes knocking at Kayla’s office to check on Bonnie. She’s doing well, but she’s not going back to work anytime soon. “Well, I am royally screwed.” Bonnie’s accident, Leo’s MIA — what else?
But maybe Kayla could come in to play Kassandra. She’s gone undercover with Steve, and he’s desperate — the whole show is. He needs her to keep everyone employed. Kayla looks pained. “Hard pass.” There are plenty of actresses who would want the part. “Who’s available day after tomorrow,” Abe tells her. She’s just a stopgap until they can get a recast, until Bonnie’s back.
Kayla hems and haws some more, but Abe keeps pushing until she says yes.
Jada gets to her office to greet Kerry, dressed suspiciously like the stalker. She tells him about the Body and Soul incident with Bonnie and tells her to talk to the production team. He asks what it has to do with him. She lays it all out, from Bonnie’s bogus text to Javi laying out Kerry’s role as Lady Whistleblower. He had spyware on Leo’s computer and had production schedule access and Bonnie’s number.
He says his only axe to grind is with Leo since he was rejected and humiliated. He then hands over his phone, which she promptly sends back saying he could have used a burner. He stands up and tells Jada they’re done. “We’re done when I say we’re done.”
He still broke into Leo’s hotel room, but there’s nothing to prove that — or even to get a warrant. Jada snaps at him to stay in town and he slinks out with a final look back.
In the show’s final moments, Leo and Javi start walking through a scene together when Kerry just walks right in the door. He’s returning Javi’s key and wants his sweatshirt back. Javi gives it to him and Kerry bids them farewell after vaguely mentioning Bonnie’s tough break. Both are confused, so once he leaves, Leo checks the news. He feels bad for Bonnie… but also, it ruins his story.
Abe meets with Kate at the pub, telling her Bonnie will be out awhile, but he got Kayla to step in temporarily. Kate just looks at him funny. Back at the hospital, Kayla calls Steve to give him interesting news, then sees Stephanie looking down and asks what’s wrong. Steph says it’s about B&S, and her mom breaks the news that she’s the latest “reluctant” cast member. Very temporarily. But it will be fun to work with Stephanie.
Alex and Joy talk about poor Bonnie, where she tells him they’re the only two on the cast she can tolerate. She was telling Kate about how much Alex has been there for her. They hug. In her office, Jada asks for a background check on Kerry, then calls Justin to fill him in as she promises to find who’s responsible. In a room someone hangs up Bonnie’s “X’d” out portrait… then reaches for one of Alex.