Luna’s Paternity Is *Not* the Biggest Mystery Surrounding the Bold & Beautiful Killer

Credit: Howard Wise/JPI
Currently, The Bold and the Beautiful has refocused itself on its “Who’s Luna’s father?” storyline. But, however that question is answered — and we think we know how it will be — an even more perplexing one looms: WTH is the show doing with the character?
Luna has insisted that she wasn’t herself when she offed Tom and Hollis. But then she’s gone and trash-talked Tom like, “Eh, he was a bum. No big loss.” And what about the fact that she apparently deliberately got high on Mom’s mints in order to sleep with Zende so as to let everyone know that Poppy did drugs? And then bragged that her night with Zende was the best sex she’d ever had? (Sorry, R.J.; hey, where is R.J., anyway?)
Does Bold & Beautiful want us to feel for Luna? ’Cause, uh, we don’t. She’s a cold-blooded killer who’s only remorseful when there’s an audience for whom it’s worth her while to put on an act. Should we pity her because she had a terrible upbringing? Er, she didn’t. The soap already told us that, while her formative years may have been unconventional, they were also lovely. She and her mom were close.
Even if Bold & Beautiful did convince us to empathize with Luna — and to be clear, that ain’t happening — what would it do with her, then? Give her a free pass and reintroduce her to society? Are the other characters supposed to just accept her? ’Cause Sheila would probably have a hell of a lot to say about that. “Oh, this murderess is OK, but I shoot a few people, and I’m irredeemable?”
Nope. We don’t get it. We’re intrigued to see where it’s going and what possible plan the show has for Luna. But right now, nada.